Crag Maintenance

Maintenance of the crags has, in recent years been carried out by volunteers from the Sandstone Volunteers’ Group (SVG) with financial backing from the BMC’s Access and Conservation Fund (ACT) and the Climbers’ Club Colin Kirkus Guidebook Fund. The clearance and reinstatement of climbing at Bulls Hollow in 2003/4 and High Rocks in 2005 were major projects involving many volunteers. The maintenance of these outcrops and of Harrison’s and Stone Farm Rocks are all projects undertaken by the SVG. The SVG holds an annual meeting in October to decide upon the winter projects and the Sandstone Open Meeting in May where anyone who has an interest in climbing on the sandstone may come along and have their say.

Typical questions and conversations:

  • Projects – what’s going on?
  • Why a trust?
  • Who are the Trustees?
  • Are meeting minutes available?
  • Are the finances open to scrutiny?
  • Who attends these meetings?
  • How often are meetings held?
  • Can I have My Say?
  • Can the SDST fund my project/Buy my crag?